Here’s an interview I had with Winds of Change about Voice Dialogue, a powerful philosophy and tool that clients can practice themselves for personal growth.
“Working with Dave is unlike anything I’ve ever done before. Rich, deep, all encompassing, respectful, gentle, allowing and trusting; it’s a journey rather than an intervention.” E. M. (Registered Massage Therapist)-
“Dave embodies every positive
quality that a person could want
when seeking a new therapist. Wise,
gentle, supportive, and profoundly
insightful, Dave is everything
a therapist ought to be.S. R.
(Student)Dear Dave:
I just wanted to take a moment
to thank you... I feel it is
important to share a piece
of my heart with you.About a year ago, when we
first chatted I was physically,
mentally and emotionally in
a very different place in my life.
My relationship with J., my
identity and my zest for life
were all slipping away from me.My heart is filled with gratitude
for the skills and techniques you
have shared to help me heal myself,
and my relationships properly. It is
because of this that I am now able
to self-regulate and recognize
patterns in myself and in my
relationships with my loved ones.
Your help also encouraged me to
really love ME. The time you have
shared with myself and J. has allowed
me to authentically show up FOR him
and WITH him. While it is a work in
process, I am finally present for J. in
every way I had hoped to be. This can
only continue to evolve.I feel so lucky to have a partner that
is patient enough to go through the
"Shit" with me... Your support allowed
me to fight for the relationship in the
way that I needed to. I feel more
connected to myself and with J. than
I ever have in my entire life. It feels so
amazing to be curious and loving of J.
and not the idea of him. Passionate,
excited, happy, comfortable and safe.Thank you for your gifts of joy, love
and effective communication.Peace and love,